We do not compromise the truth of nonduality, so please..all
you pure nondualists, this is for you.....
yet the appearances of creating reality are embraced, honored and put in a powerful proper context that WORKS as clarity plays
the game of a field of possibliy.
arising as appearance in the field of awareness.... Seeing the truth that it only arises for a ficticious self when "seen"
adds to the power and expandedness of this field of "apparant" possiblility!
The awareness that you are.... and the apparant arisings as a thought which
indeed is a reality, will be clearly seen in proper perspective.
The true field in which thoughts/reality arises is not always seen and is something that is not usually
honored.. hence less flexiblitiy in the play of creating reality when seen from seperation as a person separate from
what "they" create first...the assumed person creating a personal reality.
THE OPEN WAY sharings however honors but does not attach or buy into the
assumed person as well. Not to honor the apparant being (person) here would be yet another story of how it is, the story
of one who is apart form the arising seperate person!
a thought, a form of seperation, a false division and just another thought about how things are! (Nondual as "opposed"
to not nondual (creating reality). So the apparant person arises too ... is enjoyed! ... not bought into! ...and even
not necesarily functioned as...
that was just shared is just a story too!! An the greatest LOVE of THE OPEN WAY is too share THAT most powerfully. As
this awareness in which stories, points of view, reference points, a central character appear to arise, it is seen that
it is not who you are and there is really nothing that no "one" can do!!
This is great news!! Ulitmate freedom and yet, the apparant relative freedom
shared before may appear to work best for some as this ultimate knowing is shared alongside.
Anyway....More on
this later.....
No values
will ever be shared with any one in a forceful or preachy way.
THE OPEN WAY serves and supports
areas in which one's awareness is focused on without need to subsribe to our other sharings!
In essence, THE OPEN WAY is the "reality" that "you" create it to be...or better
yet...that apparantly arises as "you"
THE OPEN WAY "is"... is what you perceive, focus and support it to be!!!!
. So... it may sound crazy, but THE OPEN WAY
is what you see or perceive it as! It is presented and indeed IS the FREE awareness that is your true nature. The openness
that it is..... "allows" for what arises. (it can only ever apprarantly choose to do otherwise). It embraces ALL
(even relatively) that allows space to be for all and yet particularly shares and allows for arisings of space to be for openness,
freedom, the sense of expanding false boundaries etc. So ... AS THE OPEN WAY, if it even relatively allows for this.....it
is good!